Tuesday, August 15, 2006


It has been so long since I have posted on this lovely blogspot. However I check out my friends blog every day as her thoughts, expressions and well just everything about her blog makes me think and question things. ONe of the things I look forward to each day.

I wanted to start another blog, my previous one was babyshaven.blogspot.com, guess I haven't posted in so long that I was unable to access the account any longer.

While reading Lingo's blog today I saw a comment from someone that I sort of was familiar with so I decided to check out their blog. Very nice, nice pictures and somethings were funny. I happened to just read her posts and noticed one that truly upset me and just made me think how some people can lie so much to gain feelings and actions from people to benefit themselves. I realized that some people can be very selfish and not even think of the repercussions of their actions. I realized that some people are willing to believe anything they hear and that, to me, is sad. NO one questions what could be a scenario instead they believe things that they have been told simply out of blind feelings and a desire to want to think that someone can do no wrong. What is the trouble with our people ? Why are people so trusting in those that laugh at them behind their back? Who has the right to tell them the real going ons and why should someone want to when they were so believing in something so wrong?

I guess all the above is simply a confusing mess for anyone that chooses to read. I felt wrong done by because of someones blatant need to lie about, well mislead a person to believe something that was not the whole truth, knowing it would never be questioned as the two involved do not speak or even see each other.

All I can say is that Karma is a bitch!!! As cliche as this is to say, it is the whole truth. I wait for the day that all the horrible things this person has said or done to manipulate others and get what they wants, comes back on them ten fold. I should never wish harm, bad things, etc. on anyone but have no choice in this case as I have been witness to their wrong doings, I have been a victim of their wrong doings and I am almost at the point of never wanting to see them do the same things to others...I am almost at the point of spilling the beans and letting their true story out which could send them away for quite sometime.

So enough ranting on today's post....just had to talk to someone....blogger always helped before.

Ciao everyone and I promise that the next blog will be much more fun.


Blogger Pegasus said...

Thanks Lingo for your kindness. It was just a situation where someone used what they thought could make them appear to be more of a winner and put another down. Through their manipulation they were able to upset two beautiful people. And one of the persons involved has no idea of the true story which is the saddest part. they are simply left with a bad feeling that really came from someones lies. I will share with you another time what this all relates to so not to be anyjmkore confusing

7:40 AM


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