Here I sit, in my Honey Pot painted bedroom. I am listening to the magical sounds of the symphony. It has recently become my favorite choice of musical connection to listen to while I am thinking and just relaxing. It really draws from my inner mind what I feel everyone should feel with music....and that's thankful.
Music is something that everyone can relate to. It can invoke feelings of happiness yet sadness. It can make people feel like dancing, like partying and most of all, it can make people reflect to any given time. There is music for every culture, every race, every moment and every individual. Even those who cannot hear have the ability to feel music. They can feel the vibrations of sound and in their own mind they can create solitude and peace with what they think it would sound like.
I remember my father saying; "music is the right stuff" ... gosh, he was so right. I have never known anything other then the spoken word to be as powerful as music. It touches everyone. Even those who do not share the same sentiments towards it as I do, as I have and as I always will, well they even have at some point had to think back and beable to relate to the words of a song.
I learned to play piano at a young age and I always loved it. Didn't matter how many other things I missed doing with my friends because I had to practice or because it was time for another rediculously long music lesson, my appreciation grew for what my family was allowing to happen. My parents were giving me another way to love. A way I could share what I was feeling and enter the hearts of others.
As we approach Valentine's Day the power of music is around me. I began to realize that this "day" approaching us is highly over-rated and not just for lovers. It is simply is about love and to me music is that. Music can be that. Just let it fall upon your ears like a softly fallen snow. Let it enter your thoughts and mind and sweep away the worries that make heavy your everyday. Let yourself sit, lay, stand whatever and feel as I do right now. Totally at peace for the sound of music is around is in me...and it will always be.
I love you.
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