Go boys go
"Go boys go, they'll time your every breath. And everyday your in this place your 2 days nearer death"....
The first time I heard this I knew someone had to be feeling the same as I was. Strange thing to say, this I am sure. I just realized how for each and every day we spend in the workplace, slaving away, conscienciously completing what is demanded. Letting it suck the life from us as our energies and talents are suffering. Being little robots of boredom and redundant activities is enough to kill ones soul. That's where it starts. The hatred, the daunting behaviors and the criticisms of crap from the miserable bastards who do this to us.
Now would this be true for me to say...are they "doing" it to us. Are they ass fucking us or are we doing this to ourselves? Self reflection is necessary once you feel like the above mentioned. We must look at our innerselves and choose what to do with our days...if we let "them" tear the shreds from us, then"we" are no better then they are.
In the chambers it begins
In the chambers is where it ends
Spinning, turning minds are burning
Burning, burning
Twisting, turning
Can we leave this place
Can we be again
Every day in this place you're two days nearer death
2 days nearer death yet so far from the best..keep on pushing
Keep on trying, living...learning, twisting and turning